Our trip here went so much better than I expected - better than past trips. We flew from our time zone west to Chicago. We found out the London Heathrow airport was closed due to snow for the first time in 20 years...lucky us - so our flight was cancelled. We were re-routed to Amsterdam. We spent about 6 hours in Chicago at their play place (thank God for it!), then hopped on a long flight (on which Johnny threw up) through 7 time zones to Amsterdam. We were there just a couple hours then headed back one more time zone to Glasgow. The kids traveled so well, and we were actually fairly sane upon arrival. They managed to only have 2 of our 4 suitcases, but the others arrived the next day. Only 3 days in the same clothes and greasy hair - not bad!
It's been wonderful to spend so much time with Jon's parents. We certainly don't get to see them often enough. On top of how great it is to see them, there is the most amazing view from their home. They live right on the sea, with a mountainous island called Arran just across the sea. Every night holds the most amazing sunset you can imagine - and it can all be seen just by looking out their front room window. Spectacular!
We've met some great people, too! We took a drive down the coast a bit and ended up at the home of their friends, Geoff and Carol - some of the most welcoming people I have ever met. The seven of us just sort of showed up unexpectedly, and we were invited in for tea - and even to stay for dinner. Jon was given some amazing (and what would be very expensive in the states) scotch, too. This was also the most eccentric family I have ever met. Hard to explain, really. They looked quite overgrown and ratty, in some ways. You'd think that perhaps they didn't have much money to live on...until you walked out to their driveway and saw the car they own. I don't know anything about cars, but this corvette was a beauty! The engine was perfect and shiny and new. I wish I knew how to explain that part, too. Turns out that Geoff is an inventor, and he works for the government coming up with all sorts of technology for them. Right now he is working on some x-ray machine for the airport. And, he does all this in his unlocked wooden nearly falling down shed in their back yard. We really need to just go back and take a picture of this place...
We also have spent some time withe upstairs neighbors, David and Min. David came down to play cards one night, and we just had such a great time. He is a recovering addict, clean for like 19 years now, and he is just full of life. It was so much fun. It was great to see Jon's parents get along so well, and just love and accept their neighbors for who they are...doesn't matter that they aren't 'church goers'. The next day, I went with David and Jane (Jon's mum) to a craft show where Min was selling her glass beads that she makes. It was great to see some more of Scotland, but also to go and support these friends. (She is an amazing bead maker!) We roamed around the town, looking in shops and enjoying each other's company and conversation over lunch.
Right now we are in Perth where Jon's sister Jaime and her family live. The whole family is here (well, actually they are all at the pool, and I am home with a sleeping Hannah - she's a bit sick.) It's great to see where his sister's and their beautiful families live. All the cousins are having a blast together. There are 7 cousins under 5. It's crazy and busy, but very exciting! We love being altogether.
Jon will begin recording his CD next week, and he is SO excited! So is Phil, his brother-in-law. Hopefully he'll have lots of songs to bring home, and a CD will soon come together.
That pretty much sums it up for now. Oh yeah, we did go to Erskine where Jon grew up. We went to his old church, saw his old high school and primary school, and even the house he lived in for so many years. He loved showing us around!
Hopefully soon we can get more pictures to post. We are taking them, so eventually you will see them. Know that we miss you and love you and hope that you all are well.