The last 7 years or so have been crazy as far as family being all over the place. For starters, as most of you know, Jon's family is ALL in Scotland, which means we are able to see them so's sad. But even the Scott side is all over the place. We've been in Boston, Philly, Kenya and now Ohio. My brother Mark and his family were near us in Boston until we moved away, and they've just recently moved to Texas. My other brother Dave and his family moved to California just after we got married, and then came to Ohio with us for awhile, then headed back to California and are now heading off to France to the mission field for two years. So, we are one scattered family. We had the amazing privilege of all of us being together over the Thanksgiving holiday...and with Dave and Betsy and JJ being in France for 2 years, and with Jon having NO vacation time for this first year, who knows when we'll all be together again. I LOVE my family so much, and tried to squeeze every minute out of my time with them as possible...including a couple of airport mishaps! Anyway, here are a few pictures of our time together...
My brother Dave with Hannah - playing with her new doll house blocks:

My brother Mark and Cyndi with the pile of kids:

We celebrated JJ's (4) and Caleb's (5) birthdays together:

Johnny, JJ, Hannah and Caleb watching a video together:

Lily and her older cousin (by 10 days) Aaron sharing some time on the bouncer:

Grandpa reading to Hannah and cousin Christian:

Jon and his little girls:

Me with my sister-in-law Cyndi:

And my other sister-in-law Betsy:

We had an awesome time celebrating both Thanksgiving and Christmas together. Hopefully it's not TOO long before we're all together again!