Setting the scene: Caleb had one stuffed cat, and Hannah had another.
Johnny: Caleb, can I have that cat? I want to play with it.
Caleb: Well, Hannah has a cat, too. Maybe you can have hers. Hannah, will you let Johnny play with that cat now?
Hannah: NO!
Caleb: Please, Hannah? It would be really nice of you to share.
Hannah: NO!
Caleb: But Hannah, God really wants us to be nice to other people and to share what we have with them. Isn't that right, Mommy?
Me: I think that's exactly what God wants.
Caleb: That's what I'm trying to teach Hannah by having her give her cat to Johnny.
Me: Well, I think a better way of teaching Hannah how to share and to give to others is by showing her how to do that and giving Johnny YOUR cat.
Caleb: Hmmm....
This little interaction between myself and the kids was really precious to me. I loved that Caleb has the mindset of helping others, but it's cute to see his still-very-much five year old mind battling what he knows is right. But, I began to wonder, perhaps it's true that we all sort of have that still-very-much five year old mind. At that age, the world is all about them. But, honestly, does that ever really stop being what the world is about? Doesn't the world tell us to always go for bigger and better and more? Me, me,'s all about me.
I love the idea of the upside down Kingdom - that life just isn't about me. My money isn't my money, and my kids aren't even my kids. It's all my Father's and he has been gracious enough to lend me these things, so I can use them - in partnership with him - for His glory and His work.
I have to evaluate my life often, in terms of this conversation with Caleb. It's easy for me to say exactly what I think God wants of me, but am I really doing it, or just expecting others around me to do it? Am I really putting into action the characteristics of the Christ-follower that I am trying to be? Am I loving? Am I giving? Am I serving?
Just as I hope Caleb will learn to lead by example, I need to do the same. How can I expect my children to know how to serve and give and love our neighbors if I'm not doing it?
Thanks, Caleb, for reminding me of my call to action - my call to go, and serve and love and give. To be the hands and feet of Christ in this world...
I'm a frugal Momma these days....
15 years ago