Friday, January 8, 2010

"Confessions" of an Almost 29-Year-Old

I don't like talking about myself - it makes me really uncomfortable. But, I was thinking of little tid-bits about who I am, and thought I would follow in the footsteps of my sister-in-law Betsy and write some "confessions". So, for no particular reason, here they are:

1. I really wish I was more motivated - to eat healthier, to exercise regularly, to be super hands-on with my kids, to play in the snow, to keep an amazingly clean house.

2. I really like the movie K-Pax. I may be the only one I know of who does.

3. I don't shower nearly as often as I probably should.

4. I hate it when I go to the restroom in a public place, and when I come out I have to look around like a big idiot for the person I'm with. I give Jon a place to stand and he knows he has to stay there, or I stress!

5. I would move to Africa tomorrow if I could (with my family, of course).

6. Caleb told me yesterday that my stomach looks stripey, little, and a little bit big.

7. Me and my brothers have matching scars on our stomachs from pyloric stenosis when we were babies. If I ever had "work done" on my stomach, I wouldn't let anyone touch that scar, cause I really like that we match.

8. Something that bugs me more than anythings else is someone who presents themselves as being "awesome" or better than everyone else...or someone that thinks they have all the answers. Grrrr.

9. The thought of chewing on a sock is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Why would anyone chew on a sock? I don't know, but let's just stop talking about's giving me the heebie-jeebies.

10. Big Red gum gives me painful little bumps on my tongue that last forever. Other than that I really like Big Red - but I won't chew it anymore.

11. Someday I want to deliver babies in Africa. There's nothing in the world quite like child birth, and so many women there have no one to help them through it.

12. I have a really horrible memory. It's pretty frustrating, but maybe once I'm old enough I'll actually just forget that I have a bad memory and it won't frustrate me anymore.

13. My brother Dave and I both have numb areas on the left side of our backs. (Don't be concerned...our doctors have both found nothing to worry about.)

14. I'm really good at burping really loud. I hold it in most of the time - especially when the British side of my family is around! ;)

15. There are VERY few things in my life that I am proud of myself for, but one thing is giving birth to Johnny without any pain medication. Now, I know it's different for everyone, and some people can do that without much trouble, but it was HELL going through it for me, but I did it, and that makes me proud of myself. :)


PRS & ALS said...

Love the confessions. Maybe someday I'll be brave enough to share some of mine.

Fred Vanderbom said...

Touching a part of my backbone makes my pylorics scar tingle - wonder if there's a link? LOL

Sam said...

Are you and Laura seperated at birth? She has a (what sounds like)a matching scar and she can burp with the best of them.

Dave and Betsy's Blog said...


well... thats about it.
Love you Ang.


dave said...

so much good stuff, but i will only comment on one thing...I LOVE K PAX!

Erica said...

Thanks for sharing the confessions. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to do it!

Dave and Betsy's Blog said...

Love KPAX too, if I'm thinking of the right movie - Kevin Spacey?? If not - forget I said anything.

Love your when you talk about yourself - I learn more about you! :)

Jeff and Joy Scott Family said...

Good stuff!

I also liked K-Pax!

Unknown said...

I love your confessions almost as much as I love you! I wish you talked more about yourself because 1. you're great and 2. I miss you!