Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Multiply, Jesus. Multiply, Jesus. Multiply, Jesus"

I am so confused sometimes by miracles. Do they happen? Do they happen like they did in the Bible? Do they only happen in developing nations, and if so, why? What is a miracle? Can something small be considered a miracle?

I wrote a few posts ago about an experience I had in Kenya where I truly felt that God healed my baby when nothing else was working. A miracle? For me - yes. Is it explainable to others scientifically? Maybe...I don't know much about medicines and sicknesses. But, I know God worked.

Sunday night at Kingdom Meal Ministry (KMM)there was talk of miracles. Pastor Rusty, the KMM president, was telling me about a meeting he'd had with a pastor friend of his this past week. This pastor had just come back from Mozambique and spoke of miracles that he encountered while he was there. There were crutches lining the outer walls of a church building, because people were going in and being healed. There was one night when the group had prepared a dinner of stew for some event. The people of the village heard of this gathering, and "crashed" the party, and expected to be fed. The woman dishing out the stew was saying as she scooped up each bowl, "Multiply, Jesus. Multiply, Jesus. Multiply, Jesus." The pastor said that after the whole village was fed, there was actually more stew left in the pot then when they began. Did Jesus feed the 5,000 that night like he did when He was on earth? Why am I a skeptic sometimes? Why do I doubt things like this. Why do we hear about an event like this and think, "That's a nice story."

KMM was special this week. I showed up at 4 like normal, and instead of finding all the tables and chairs set up and all the workers getting everything ready, I found a locked, dark, empty gym. I was the only helper there other than 2 cooks, and there were already guests waiting outside to come in. I worked my butt off setting up all those tables and chairs alone - preparing to feed 130 or so people. I was panicking that no one else would come to help. But, Pastor Rusty tells us every week that God always provides. We ended up with only about 10 workers on Sunday when we normally have about 20 or more. But this week, we fed over 200 people - I have NEVER seen that many people come to be fed. When panic should have taken over, I was surprisingly calm and it was a very smooth evening. People were happy, I got lots of hugs, people's bellies were full, and there were plenty of leftovers. Is this a miracle? I don't know. But, I will not doubt that God was at work there that I believe He desires to be at work - everywhere - all the time. Maybe it's not whether God "performed a miracle", maybe it's whether or not we choose to see the hand of God at work in our every day circumstances.

I'd like to do that. My friend Stacy has done that in the midst of her storms of life. The connection to her blog can be found in my friend's blogs's worth checking out, for sure. Another amazing friend just experienced a second miscarriage in the span of only a few months, but continues to praise Him in her storm. To me, this is miraculous. Where do you see God at work in your life? Do you see it? What are your thoughts on miracles? I think - no, I KNOW they happen. I'm just gonna keep praying, "Multiply, Jesus. Multiply, Jesus. Multiply, Jesus."


Steve and Judy said...

Hi Angela,
I was just reading your blog and I thought to myself how much Grandma Scott would love to read your writings. I know they touch my heart and I believe in some miraculous way God allows her heart to still be touched by her special angel-Angela! I love you and pray for you and your family daily. Keep touching lives in your special way.

Anonymous said...

I believe the whole experience of childbirth is a miracle, from conception to the delivery. It's amazing and almost hard to imagine that a baby is developing and growing inside a womens belly for 9months and comes out looking so beautiful and precious. To me, that is one awesome miracle!

dave said...

good stuff ange!

i have really appreciate hearing about what you and your scottish husband have been doing.

i agree. i think the miracle is that there are people who serve others for their sake rather than for selfish gain or admiration. the fact that Christ molds people into servants is the greatest miracle i can think of.

i love hearing these miracle stories. keep em comin.


Megan Johnston said...

Wow!!! So beautiful!! As for miracles I'm right there with you!!! I just know that I want to see God!!! Miracle or no Miracle I just want to meet with him all the time.
Thanks for sharing!!!

PRS & ALS said...

Good stuff Ang!

I think one reason we don't see miracles is that we don't try anything outside of our comfort zones. We are reluctant to try anything when we don't have every aspect covered. If we would just listen to God's leading, without having all the answers, we would see those miracles happen. And I'm especially speaking to myself.


Dave and Betsy's Blog said...

I found myself praying this the other day, due to this post. In my work environment, this is how we live, hoping and waiting for God's miracles! I'm waiting for the next one right now...

Anonymous said...

Miracles happen all the time...of this I am sure! :)