Monday, November 3, 2008


My oldest turned four on Sunday...where has the time gone?

Caleb is having a little party on Thursday, so we didn't do any "birthday" stuff on Sunday. I debated with myself about whether or not to go to Kingdom Meal this week or not, since it was Caleb's birthday. Then, I thought, "why not bring Caleb?!" So, I did, and it was just about the most precious thing I've ever seen. He knows that Mommy goes each week to serve food to people who don't have enough, and he knows that's where I met our friend May-May, but he'd never come with me before. I was hesitant to bring such a young helper for fear that he'd be more hassle than help, but he proved me wrong! He got right to work helping me set out cups and pour people's drinks. After all the set up and drink service, we sat down with a little boy named Damarje and his mom way at the back of the gym. Damarje is four, like Caleb, and they were instant friends. When it was time to serve food, Caleb came with me to the window to get plates. He took one all by himself, and went off without me, turning his head while he was walking to tell me that he wanted to make sure Damarje got some dinner. He walked past everyone to go feed his friend. He never asked any questions of his new friend, he just gave him what he knew he needed. Then, Caleb went back to the window for another plate, and brought to the next child he saw...he was making sure all the kids were fed first. Duh...why don't we always do it like that?! It was just the sweetest thing ever watching my little four year old put his own wants and needs aside and doing what Jesus would have done. At the end, Caleb got to eat a hotdog and then had a cookie. While he was eating his cookie, I told him I would just go clean up a little. He told me he'd come clean too, and that he would eat his cookie later. Seriously, is this the Caleb I know? Leaving his cookie to clean? WOW!

I've often wondered if I do a good enough job as a mommy for my kids, and if Jon does a good job as a Daddy. I know that we make mistakes, of course, but this experience was an answer to prayer for me. Only by the grace of God are we doing an alright job raising these kids. I know I don't have the patience to do it on my own!

I started going to a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group last month, and the girl giving the devotional read the following poem. It really made me wonder what my kids see when I don't realize they're watching me. It was powerful. Enjoy...

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that the little things can be the special things in life.

When you thought I wasn't looking I heard you say a prayer, and I knew there is a God I could always talk to and I learned to trust in God.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn't looking, learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked at you and wanted to say, "Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking."

At the very end of the night, after Caleb finished his cookie, he excused himself past our friend Lizzie who was with us, and he said he had to go tell his Mommy something. He ran over to me, so I knelt down to hear what he had to say. He said, "I just wanted to tell you that I really, really love you." I gave him a super huge squeeze, and felt like I had never loved him more than in that very moment. I am so proud of this little servant that God has blessed our family with.

Happy Birthday, Caleb! I love you!


Dave and Betsy's Blog said...

I'm so glad you took Caleb. I LOVED having JJ with me at Second Harvest. He was also very interested in why we were there and why some people don't have enough to eat. It's amazing how much is really going on inside their little heads. I'm glad Caleb loved it there and that you got to serve with him. It is truly precious.

Chel said...

Happy Birthday Caleb!

Jan Russell said...

Happy Birthday Caleb!!! What a tender little heart he has!

PRS & ALS said...

WOW! This brought tears to my eyes. Caleb, and all my other grandchildren, and all children in fact, are such special gifts from God. They can teach us so much.

Happy Birthday, Caleb. You are so special and so loved and so loving. God has special plans for your life.

Love, Grandma

Amber Shomo said...

Aaaw, how awesome was that with Caleb!? So precious. :)

Thanks for my comments, too!

*Chewning Momma* said...

Happy Birthday Caleb! what a sweet heart he has! I loved hearing the story. Have a great birthday party on Thursday!!! Wish we could be there too!

Sam said...

What an awesome experience. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

That is amazing. Totally did my heart good reading this. Thanks, Ang....and thanks, Caleb for reminding me to always keep that childlike faith.

Jeff and Serena said...

I just love reading your blogs...they are so heartfelt and honest!

Happy Birthday to Caleb!!

Matt Chewning said...

Yo Homie G snap,
I answered your question. I would like to know your thoughts as well.

hehe. Have a great Monday.

Matt Chewning said...

Yo Homie G snap,
I answered your question. I would like to know your thoughts as well.

hehe. Have a great Monday.

Matt Chewning said...

hahaha, I mean tuesday.