Saturday, January 10, 2009

Caleb's Castle Stories

Back in October, Caleb was really into the movie Shrek. He also enjoys writing stories, so he had a couple to write about castles. Here they are...oh, and they are best read aloud and with a British accent.

Nobody's allowed to get out of the castle. They are locked in there forever. Nobody is gonna come and rescue them. Everyone is locked in their homes. I love them to be locked in there forever. The Prince Truth is to give a kiss to Princess Fiona. I love them to be a prince - Princess Fiona. The dragon will blow fire and smoke out of his mouth and nose and ears. He would think that he would kill everybody. If it was true love, they would give a kiss to the castle birds. To think that they won't have anything to eat or drink, or to go outside and ride their bikes and strollers. I love them to be out of there now - to give a kiss to everybody, and a hug!


This is a river and the castle is on top of it. Nobody is allowed to get out. The thing is, that if somebody would kiss somebody else, or a hug, it would be true love. By then a big rainstorm bug came in and something new came out of his ears, and it was a frog. If true love would kiss a Cheerio, it would give a hug to the true love. If they kiss a dragon, they would kiss a frog. This is a really silly story. If they kiss paper, they would kiss a cup of water. If true love would kiss a paper, then true love would kiss a wallet ticket. True love would kiss a Cheerio box, and a sock. It's a really...silly...story.



Jeff and Serena said...

Those are GREAT stories!! Quite the author :)

PRS & ALS said...

Caleb, I love your imagination.

And that picture is great! So cute!!

Love, Grandma

Jeff and Joy Scott Family said...

I feel like I just read 2 "Mad Libs" stories. You couldn't POSSIBLY make up those stories! Well not unless you're a toddler!


bonnie felter said...

hey ang ... just here, reading about you and your fam. you are something else!