Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Master Cleanse

So, I am beginning The Master Cleanse tomorrow morning (well, technically tonight, I guess since the first laxative is taken the night before). I know a couple of friends have done this process of cleaning out the toxins in your body...anyone have any thoughts, suggestions, comments??? I will keep an update on how I am feeling - physically, emotionally...and with weight loss, too! Here's hoping the next 10 days are fast and that this process really works! :)


*Austin Mommy* said...

Well, day 1 was...MISERABLE! I hadn't weaned myself from caffeine so I had a nasty headache that got progressively worse as the day went on. It made me feel nauseous, as did the drink I was having throughout the day. All added up to me getting sick at about 6:30. But, I took some pain killers, and the headache went away. Once that happened I felt great and have been feeling great since then - phew! I've had plenty of energy, and the drink has been very manageable to get down. It's been almost 48 hours without food, and I don't feel like I'm lacking energy or nutrients. I feel good! And since I am eating NO food, it's easy to not be tempted to cheat. No means no. Also - an added bonus - I lost 5 pounds in the first 24 hours. Sweet! Almost time for my next weigh-in! :)

Dave and Betsy's Blog said...

Oh, I saw that you wrote this on April 1st, and thought it was an April Fool's joke. I guess not. What's the status? How's it going and how many days do you need to do it?


Unknown said...

Where's our update Ang?

Anonymous said... what is the update? Did u finish through with it? Im curius to know how it worked!!