Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Big Responsibility

Wow, how time flies! The kids are getting SO big! Caleb’s summer school is almost over, and he’s going to start his first official year of preschool. He’s been telling us about a few choice friends in his class: Francesca, Sophia and Madison. This morning he told us that Augustine (another boy in his class) said he wasn’t allowed to be friends with Sophia, because she was HIS friend. The fight over girls has begun!

Due to some severe diaper rash, Johnny has started potty training. He had his diaper off yesterday from about 5:00pm til bedtime. He peed four times on the floor and zero times in the potty, and he pooped one time on the floor, one time in the grass, and zero times in the potty. It’s a work in progress. He seems so old, though. He climbs on anything and jumps off everything with some height. He’ll be two on the 12th – I cannot believe it!

And Hannah is nearly 6 months old already! Where did these past months go? And my c-section scar is STILL sensitive! Hannah is sitting up by herself pretty well now, and has gotten her first tooth. I think I was under the impression she’d be a newborn forever. Not true.

I had a small group gathering yesterday with some wonderful lady friends of mine, and we talked some about how what happened to us in the past has affected who we are now. For example, I have clear memories of people saying things to me to make me feel dumb, fat, not good enough, not worth listening to, etc. There are things even my parents said or did that have stuck with me…not always in a positive way. It scares me now to have young children who are incredibly impressionable and who are looking to Jon and I to help mold them into the people they will become. It’s a HUGE job – one I don’t always feel cut out for. I’m scared to say or do that one wrong thing that sticks with them forever and gives them bad self-esteem, or leads them astray. I just pray, pray, pray, that I will have strength from God to do my “job” of being a mom to the best of my ability.

One day this summer we were at the park and overheard one child ask a 5 year old boy what his dad was like. This little boy responded, “If you see a guy who’s angry all the time, that’s my dad.” That blew my mind, and broke my heart. This was the way this poor child viewed his dad – angry all the time. Do my kids think the same of me? I thought about this conversation a lot over the next few days. One night after I’d had a tough day with the kids, and had taken frustrations out on them probably unfairly, I laid in bed with Caleb and asked him what he would say if someone asked him what his Mommy was like. He said, “I would say that she loves me very much.” Phew! I guess a bad day or two isn’t going to ruin my relationship with my kids. I cried out of relief and love at his answer. I asked him the same question again this morning. He responded, “I would say that she’s nice, and fun and nice and Superman, girl.” Funny.

For those who think we stay-at-home parents have it easy, and that we just sit around all day and watch TV or play, think again. We are molding people…physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. That’s a big, scary, exciting, rewarding, exhausting, challenging, amazing job – and I love it! (Most days.)


Jan Russell said...

Aww Ang - cute pictures, and I share your feelings on Motherhood. You are a beautiful person, and a GREAT mom! Besides, I know you aren't sitting around taking it easy with all those potty accidents to clean up ;)

I am laughing so, so hard because I just asked Harrison the same question and he must have heard "what does your mom like" Not WHAT IS she like. So his answer was...oh coke, shopping....


Birdie said...

I guess no matter how hard we try, there will be that "beautiful mess" sometime, somewhere. Raising kids is HARD! Whether you stay at home or work 40 hours a week. It's a tough job. I'm glad that in my weakness, Jesus is strong. Cause I'm a number one weenie! And I need all the help I could get. Thanks for your post, Ang. I think you're a great Mom and you have a beautiful family!

Chel said...
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Chel said...

First off, I am sad I was not at the group yesterday, I am always blessed by the conversations that happen there!
My best advice after being a parent for almost 20 years? (yikes I'm old)...Just do what you are doing Love them, no matter what, be willing to admit when you made a mistake and apologize, and once again, Love them... Also remember you are not in this alone, like the drawing I made the other day, be willing to "let go", and allow HIM to carry you through when you need it, and no matter how you feel or I feel about Hillary (love her, hate her?), one cannot easily argue that her "It takes a village to raise a child" is unwise. Your community is here to help each other through the parenting journey! We love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm right with you on that! Being a stay-at-home mom is great and I love it, but some days I do wish I was working at least part-time again...maybe with that little break, I wouldn't freak out and yell all the time...or maybe it would be worse?!?! Anyway, I thank you for being a great friend and someone who I can talk to about mothering, makes me feel like I'm not alone in this world!

Unknown said...

How cute is Caleb?? Oh my word I just want to hug him like it's my job! And Johnny's idea bathroom choice is ridiculously hilarious! Have no fears about the reunion, once people meet your AMAZING children they will know that you've been working your butt off! Gosh I miss them and you, I can't wait to see you. Thanks for being one of the wonderful married friends!

Anonymous said...

Ang - I see you and Jon in action - and you are doing a superb job with your kids. As parents we aren't perfect. Many times I have had to apologize to my kids for the way I have handled situations with them. Even when I discipline the kids they come right back to me lovingly and affectionately. I guess we must be doing something right. It is a full time job and there are no manuals - we have to pray, trust and do the best we can with God's leading. You guys are doing that!!! Love ya, Stacy

Dave and Betsy's Blog said...

Thanks for this post and your honesty Ang. Parenting is a full-time job whether you're working or not. I find it very challenging, as a working outside-the-home mom too, to balance being a mom to JJ, a wife to Dave and a dedicated employee, like a whole new family that relies on me for support, direction, etc... Parenting is intense and never ends and is draining. Yet all it takes is a simple smile from your child and all is forgotten (o.k. well now always but you know what I mean). In that moment, when you feel the love you have for them, it makes all the hard work worth it. I'm also glad you have other moms that are staying home with their kids too and you can all be a support to each other and can really relate to each other. That is SO important!