Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Johnny Show (for you, Bets!)

For at least a year now, Johnny has performed what we like to call "The Johnny Show". Typically this is a two minute long episode of making faces and posing in strange positions to get people to laugh. Well, last week while at his Grandma and Grandpa's house, he was the first one awake from a nap and decided to give me (his mommy), and Grandma a special and super long edition of the Johnny show. Captured in this video is just over two minutes of what went on for about 20 minutes. And, I promise, he was not on any drugs or anything else. He was just doing his thing...performing "The Johnny Show". Hope you are as entertained as we were!

Johnny has always been the one with the incredible sense of humor - even from a young age. He has a way of making people laugh, and it just seems to come so naturally to him. He's such a hoot! Below are a couple photos of his Johnny show faces, but they sure don't compare to that video...

Being two years old (and as stubborn as a mule - that's the expression, right?), Johnny sure does give us a hard time. To be honest, not a day goes by that I don't consider throwing him out the window. Okay, that might be a little extreme, but we do have our moments every day. But then, when the Johnny show begins, it's like all else is forgotten. He brightens up our days with his beautiful smile and amazing sense of humor. He really is a great kid who absolutely LOVES life - and who makes our lives so much more colorful. I love my Johnny Stephen :)


Jeff and Serena said...

That was hysterical! My Caleb came in and started laughing and said 'Mommy, he's funny!'
Too cute!!

Steve and Judy said...

Uncle Steve and Aunt Judy sure did enjoy that video. What a HAM! It must be those hilarious Scott genes!

Dave and Betsy's Blog said...

Thanks so much Ang!!! I can imagine it's amazing in person, but I am certainly glad to be able to see it finally, even if this way.

Love Bets

Birdie said...

I LOVE the part when you told him to be quiet. I laughed until my stomach hurt. Olivia came into the room to see what I was laughing at, but wouldn't watch it with me (because she's seventeen). VERY FUNNY! I know about a comedy group that's looking for new talent....

Jeff and Joy Scott Family said...

Classic! Joy and I laughed until we teared up! Josh wanted to watch it over and over. He kept repeating, "What a comfortable bed! What a comfortable bed!"

Funny kid!