Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I FINALLY Let Them Paint!!

My confession: My oldest child is 4 1/2 years old, and...I have never let him or Johnny paint! Can you believe that? It's not that I don't WANT them to - no, no, no! I love when they come home from church or school or Grandma's house with beautiful pieces of painted artwork that they created themselves. They're amazing artists! But, the thought of getting out the paint has just always caused me stress. (Kinda like kids and spaghetti sauce - STRESS!!) So, today, for whatever reason, I got out the finger paints that have been sitting in their spot for over a year, and let them have a go on a spare piece of wall board. They had SO much fun! And, whattaya know? I wasn't stressed at all! It was great! Here are some pictures from their fun painting morning...

Maybe we can even do this again sometime! ;)


PRS & ALS said...

These are great pictures!!! I love those guys. They are such a delight. What artists. Maybe they can do the cover for Jon's next CD.

Love, Mom/Grandma/Amy

Sam said...

That was brave; very brave. And yes, you should do it again.

Dave and Betsy's Blog said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! Also, the painting IS fun isn't it?! As long as you mentally prepare and are ready to get messy along with the little ones. I don't mind dirt, but I hate sticky. Unless I prepare myself and know I will get painty and sticky, I hate it. But once I've overcome my icky feelings, messy crafts are pretty fun.

I miss you guys and the kids.
Blessings sista,
