Thursday, May 6, 2010

Weigh-In #1 and a Splurge!

So far, so good. Yesterday was my first official weigh-in. and I was down 3.4 pounds for the first week. While naturally I would like to be down 10 pounds already, I suppose I am happy with 3.4. "They" say that 1-2 pounds lost per week is great, so I have a 1.4 pound bonus, I guess. Maybe as an American I am just so used to instant gratification - everything at my fingertips right when I want it. Maybe that's why, since I feel so excited about losing weight and eating healthy and exercising, that I want to just be done at the end of week 1. I suppose, though, that if that were the case, I would easily slip back into the old fashioned way of eating and not really exercising. If it takes 6 weeks or so, by that point I should have established new habits and it will just be "life" by then...with no weight gains once the goal is reached. Who knows. Either way, 3.4 pounds isn't bad.

I allowed myself some SUUUUper yummy ice cream last night. We went over to a friends house who was saving this half gallon of ice cream for when we came over. They'd gotten it in Columbus and brought it back in a cooler. It was well worth the wait, and well worth the splurge. That was some AMAZING ice cream! Tonight I am getting together with some friends and I'm sure there will be some not-so-healthy choices of delicious food. What to do, what to do?? I suppose I should go in with a plan. But what that plan will be, I don't yet know. Any suggestions??


Jeff and Serena said...

Are you counting your calorie intake?? That's what helped me...especially when going to friend's houses and special dinners and such. I KNEW how many calories I had left and would eat accordingly.
One thing that also helped was I would just walk around the food, looking at it, and trying to figure out which foods looked good to me. Then, I would pick 3 or 4 items and get 1/2 a serving of each and that would be seconds. It's having a plan BEFORE the temptation that helps (hm...sounds Biblical to me :) ).
If your going to a restaurant look online at their menu before you go. Most chain restaurants have their menus with calories/fat/serving sizes, etc. listed on line. WATCH for the one that serve MORE than one!! You'd be surprised!!! I then look over the menu and pick what I want before even going...there's no temptation then to order something unhealthy, you've already made your choice. Also, knowing ahead of time the meal has more than one serving will help too, when you order your meal ask for the to-go box right away. When you meal comes, pack up all the extra servings and eat only ONE.

One thing in your blog that you touched on and I want to encourage you in is not to lose too much too gain it back a lot quicker if you try to do too much too fast. It's changing the habits and making healthy eating a habit that helps you keep it off -- this coming from the one who lost 68 pounds and has kept it off for a year! Keep making the new healthy eating habits, take it slow and it WILL work and you WILL be able to keep it off!! Congrats on the first 3 pounds!!!!

Sam said...

Like Serena said, portion size is key. No one really notices "how much" is on your plate as long as there's something there. So any anxiety about offending the host of a party or a dinner invitation is eliminated by simply taking less. Just my .02