Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weigh-In #2

Well, my weekend of good choices seems to have paid off, and that's a great feeling!! Here are the numbers:

* Original weigh-in: 149.4
* Weigh-in #1: 146
* Today's weigh-in: 141.2
* This week's weight-loss: 4.8 lbs.
* Total weight-loss: 8.2 lbs.

I'm really hoping that by this time next week I will be in the 130's. I haven't been below 140 since we were in Kenya 3 years ago. Before that it hasn't been since before I became pregnant with Caleb. So, I am SUUUUUPER excited to make the 130's my actual weight! But...I'm not there yet, so I need to slooooow down! I'm just so excited! I am going away this weekend, and will be eating out for a number of meals. But, I KNOW I can do well this weekend just like this past weekend, and I am looking forward to seeing positive results come from making good choices!


Mella said...

Awesome! Keep it up! :)

Katie said...

Hi Angela,

I've been occasionally checking out your blog since getting prayer requests when Lily was born, and haven't commented before, but just wanted to say I am very impressed! You are doing what is so difficult: taking action on those things that are easy to complain about but hard to change.

By the way, ever since ENC, I've thought you were GORGEOUS! You are a beautiful mama and I'm sure your healthy lifestyle changes are enhancing that beauty! :c)

Sam said...

Awesome! Good luck keeping to your plan this weekend while eating out. You can do it!